Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Spiritual stories

An old man comes to Buddha, he seemed somewhere around 70 years of age. He was enlightened like Buddha.

Buddha asked him, “What's your age?”

He said, “I am 4 years old.”

Buddha was staggered totally.

Buddha said to him, “But you seem 70 years old.”

Old man replied, “ I became enlightened 4 years before and the day I was awakened I count it my real birthday.

Buddha immediately declared, now onwards, my sannyasi too will get the real birth when they become enlightened.

Source: quora

The sage, after travelling a half of his life and being an advisor of the king, has retired and prayed, preparing to stand before God. But still he communicated with students, who were allowed to ask him the trickiest questions.

So, he was asked:

— Why the Creator does not let people make a paradise on the earth during their lifetime?

— If they could, they would do it, — was his answer.

But his student continued asking:

— It comes so that people cannot be better? But it‘s all in God‘s hands, isn‘t it? And he wishes his children to joy him. How it can be?

The sage looked at him, smiled and asked:

— Do you want to say that God can do nothing with us and ask to give him an advice?

The student bowed his head silently.

The sage said:

— Isn’t it better to start from your own? Do not think about people too much, remember about yourself. Everyone will have to answer for his own.

Source:  Inspirational stories

An aspiring student of martial arts went to a great teacher and said, “I am devoted to studying your martial arts system. How long will it take me to master it?”

The teacher’s reply was, “Ten years.”

Impatiently, the student answered, “But I want to learn it faster and I will work very hard. If I practice every day, ten or more hours a day, how long will it take then?”

The teacher thought for a moment, “20 years.”

A mind which is more calm helps you to concentrate better, attaining undivided focus and it makes you proactive. Be devoted to your work.

How can I train my brain to stay focused?

This state of awakening is the need for focus.

There is a story related with it.

In ancient India there was a King called Janaka, who was also a sage. One day Janaka was taking a nap on his flower-strewn bed with his servants fanning him and his soldiers standing guard outside his door.

As he dozed off, he had a dream in which a neighboring King defeated him in battle, took him prisoner, and had him tortured. As soon as the torture began, Janaka woke with a start to find himself lying on his flower-strewn bed with his servants fanning him and his soldiers on guard.

Once again he dozed off and had the same dream. And once again he woke up to find himself safe and comfortable in his palace.

Now Janaka began to be disturbed by several thoughts: While he was asleep, the world of his dreams had seemed so real. Now that he was awake, the world of the senses seemed real. Which of these two worlds is the real one, he wanted to know.

None of the philosophers, scholars, and seers he consulted could give him an answer. And for many years he searched in vain, till one day a man called Ashtavakra knocked at the door of the palace. Now, Ashtavakra means " eight (ashta) deformed or crooked parts of body," and he got that name because that is exactly what his body had been from birth.

At first the King was not disposed to take this man seriously. "How can a misshapen man like you be the carrier of a wisdom denied to my seers and scholars?" he asked.

"Right from my childhood, all avenues have been closed to me - so I avidly pursued the path of wisdom," was Ashtavakra's reply.

"Speak, then," said the King.

So this is what Ashtavakra said: "O King, neither the waking state nor the dream state is real. When you are awake, the world of dreams does not exist and when you dream the world of the senses does not exist. Therefore, neither is real."

"If both the waking and the dream states are unreal, then what is real?" asked the King.

"There is a state beyond these two. Discover that. It alone is real.

Ideal for life

God met with an old saint and told him, “To ask a boon.”

Saint said, “I don't need anything, I am so content with my life.”

God said, “But it's my wish to grant you something.”

Saint said, “You decide what to give, If you are willing to bless me with a boon.”

God said, “Whenever you pass like this to any creature or tree plant or anything that is dead, it will revive.”

Saint said, “I will accept this boon but make one change in it, whenever I will be passing and something is revived then I shouldn't be aware that I revived it because I can get filled with ego that I have such power to revive anything.”

God smiled and said, “As you wish.”

We must have that ideology to help others but we need to remain untouched with ego, nowadays, most of the people are doing good things but filling themselves with ego because they claim we are always indulged in helping others.

Helping someone should be like, you are helping others because it is in your root and you are reviving the humanity with your small contribution, this must be an ideal life to live.

Source: quora

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