Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Reverse Bird

Humor base on:

Man 1: "What sir, Why you are walking reverse?
Man 2: "This is excerise and no one cannot bet me!"
Man 1: "Yes sir, but Humming bird can fly reverse. The other birds will turn off when enemies is in front but  humming bird will fly reverse. Its feather is like ball i.e having 360 degree way of feather. It is one of the smallest birds in the world and fastest flying bird. In one second it wings 50 to 70 times. How beautiful nature creation !!
Man 2: How can it fly?
Man 1: It is nature sir. Okay dont walk reverse, everybody will laugh at you...
Man 2: Hey i wont mind man! yesterday also one man kept his leg on banana and slipped down. Everyone laughed at him. But i didn't laugh...
Man 1: Why sir?
Man 2: Because It's me!!!

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